How to order
It can be hard to make your choice based on images only. That's why we offer our customers a fast and professional sample service, to ensure you get what you want, with no need for guess work. With our samples you can have a bit of your future in your home and take the time to feel, look and decide which decor is "the one". We're hopeful that this will assist you in making the right purchase.
Step by step guide on how to place an order
1. Browse our webshop for the products you want to purchase. Our samples are split per type and collection. Once you have selected the items, choose the quantity you need.
2. Click on "Add to basket" button. Now you can proceed to checkout or edit your shopping cart’s contents or continue shopping.
You have always access to your shopping cart by clicking on the "Shopping cart" icon in the upper right-hand corner.
3. Click on "Proceed to checkout" button.
4. To complete your order, you can Log in in your profile, Register by filling in the needed information or place your order as a Guest by checking "Don't create customer account".
If you prefer to register, you will need to enter your personal information, billing address, shipping address and select 'Enter'. Before completing the order, you need to confirm that the data provided by you are real, provided voluntarily and will be stored according to all requirements.
5. If you're ready to purchase you have to choose your Shipping address and Payment method. Then you can enter your credit card details and click on "Pay now".
The following payment methods are available: by Visa & Mastercard, by a bank transfer and PayPal.
If you choose to pay via credit card after the payment is received, аn order confirmation e-mail will be sent to you.
If you choose to pay via bank transfer your order will be processed when your payment is confirmed.
6. You will receive an email when your order is ready for shipment.
7. You will receive an email when the courier pick up your order.
Trucking number will be included.