buc 2.4 m
Accesorii recomandate
There are only 000 packages in stock, you need 111.
### needed was rounded up to fit complete packs.
There are only 000 packages in stock, you need 111.
### needed was rounded up to fit complete packs.
There are only 000 packages in stock, you need 111.
### needed was rounded up to fit complete packs.
There are only 000 packages in stock, you need 111.
### needed was rounded up to fit complete packs.
Informații despre produs 8220 Plintă din MDF K58C (K063|R123|R125|K469|K629|K419|K659)
Această plintă modernă din MDF, cu înălțimea de 58 mm și adâncimea de 18 mm, cu formă dreaptă, acoperă perfect rostul de dilatare al parchetului.
Decor 5966 și K063,K469,R123,R125,K629,K419,K659. Lungime 2,4 m.
Plinte din MDF K58C
Numar decor
58 mm
2400 mm
18 mm
Tip profil
Ultimele vizualizate